Consumers on the March, 1960s to 1990s


Vidi grant for Liesbeth van de Grift

Research on civic activism and political representation

A Vidi grant was awarded to historian Dr. Liesbeth van de Grift by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). Vidi allows researchers who have already spent several years doing postdoctoral research to develop their own innovative line of research, and to appoint one or more researchers for this.

In the 1970s, European policymakers sought to bridge the gap between ‘Brussels’ and citizens by putting consumer protection on the political agenda and increasing the participation of consumer organisations.

With the grant, Van de Grift will examine the contribution of consumer organisations to increased public participation within the European project.


Liesbeth van de Grift is Assistant Professor in the History of International Relations. She specializes in the international history of rural and environmental governance in the twentieth century. In her work, she focuses on the changing relationship between governing authorities, expert communities, interest groups, and citizens. Topics that she has worked on include practices of land reclamation and rural resettlement (internal colonisation), and the role of consumer and environmental organisations in European governance.

At Utrecht University, Van de Grift coordinates the Global Studies Programme of the Utrecht University Centre for Global Challenges. Furthermore, she is involved in the interdisciplinary research programme Institutions for Open Societies.

Liesbeth van de Grift is as well a member of the Utrecht Young Academy, a bridge between young and talented researchers.

This news item was copied from the UU-website.