Online workshop: Towards a History of Corporate Lobbying in the EU

Former Commission President François-Xavier Ortoli in conversation over drinks (Historical Archives of the European Union, FXO-356-I.2)
This interdisciplinary workshop raises the question what historians have to contribute to the study of corporate lobbying in the EU and what other disciplines have to teach them. Due to their informal character, corporate lobbies seldom leave a paper trail, which presents historians and other researchers with a source problem. The premise of this workshop is that this lack of a paper trail should not be considered an unsurmountable methodological challenge, but rather a red flag that should raise questions about the influence that corporations have exercised on European integration. Bringing together political scientists, journalists and other experts, the aim of the workshop is to explore different questions, methodological approaches and theoretical perspectives on corporate lobbying which can help them do so.
Click here for the full programme.
The workshop will take place on Zoom, from 1 pm until 17:15 pm. For access, please contact