
Project team at European Society for Environmental History conference
From 4-8 July 2022, the European Society for Environmental History (ESEH) will host its international conference at the University of Bristol, UK. The conference, titled “Same planet, different worlds: environmental histories imagining anew” moves from the premise of an entangled world: a global pandemic, a shared ecological crisis and climate catastrophe, and considers the discipline…
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Project team at Conference ‘Political History Today’
On 23-24 June 2022, the international conference of the Association for Political History (APH) will take place in Amsterdam, exploring new themes in the history of politics.
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Podcast: De macht van de Europese ‘burgerconsument’
Welke rol speelden consumenten in de Europese integratie? Hoe opereerden consumentenverenigingen en -bonden in de Europese politieke arena? En welke claim maakten zij als vertegenwoordigers van consumenten? Met wat voor politieke representatie hebben we hier eigenlijk van doen?
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Online workshop: Towards a History of Corporate Lobbying in the EU
This interdisciplinary workshop raises the question what historians have to contribute to the study of corporate lobbying in the EU and what other disciplines have to teach them. Due to their informal character, corporate lobbies seldom leave a paper trail, which presents historians and other researchers with a source problem.
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Conference ‘Towards A Social History of European Integration’
For the conference programme, click here For the full call for papers, click here Fishermen blocking the port of Calais, consumer groups lobbying the European Commission, fair-trade activists criticising European trade policies, and farmers and their tractors taking to the streets in Brussels: these are all examples of actors and stories that do not often…
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Koen van Zon awarded Simone Veil Fellowship
Koen van Zon has been awarded the Simone Veil Fellowship by the Project House Europe, based at the Ludwig Maximilians Universität in Munich. Early 2022, he will reside at the Project House Europe as part of his project Exploring Brussels’ corridors. Towards a history of corporate lobbying in the European Community, 1958-1992.
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New publication: Alessandra Schimmel’s book review of ‘Project Europe: A History’ by Kiran Patel
The latest issue of Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis (TvG) includes Alessandra Schimmel’s book review of Kiran Klaus Patel’s book ‘Project Europe: A History’, published in 2020 by Cambridge University Press.
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Battleground Brussels: the EU and the regulation of multinationals
Who followed the news in recent weeks might get the impression that a change is afoot in attitudes towards multinational corporations. In the Netherlands, an environmental organization won a lawsuit against Shell, forcing it to start reducing its carbon emissions with immediate effect. Last month, the leaders of the G7, the world’s richest states, agreed…
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Liesbeth van de Grift to speak at 2021 Annual Meeting of European Society for Environmental History
On 9 July, Liesbeth van de Grift will be participating in an online roundtable discussion for the annual meeting of the European Society for Environmental History. The theme of the roundtable is ‘The times we did not change the world’, and follows a keynote lecture by Jacob Dlamini (Princeton University) the day before. In her…
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Alessandra Schimmel presents paper on consumers and the Common Market
In May 2021, Alessandra Schimmel participated in the 17th annual conference of the History of European Integration Research Society (HEIRS). The title of this year’s conference was ‘Europe’s economic transformations: Actors of a changing European economy’. Alessandra’s contribution explored the role of consumer organisations in relation to Common Market policies in the 1970s, with a…
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